Established in 2013, Farmgate Advisory strives to make grain marketing less stressful and more profitable for grain, oilseed, and pulse farmers. Now serving over 250,000 MT across the Great Southern region of Western Australia, the business continues to improve its service and grow it’s reach through a dedicated farmer-centric approach.
Born out of a determination to get healthier, and instil better habits in others, 105Fitness is a 24/7 gym and fitness centre in Kojonup. The business assists in making exercise more accessible for residents in the surrounding area.
105Fitness emphasises and promotes it’s supportive and encouraging community, while providing the new facilities and equipment for members.

Collaborating with others, helping them craft strategy and effective tactics to achieve a higher outcome than if they were working solo, is rewarding work.
2020 sees this project grow by taking on several high performing clients engaging in serval projects.

Seeking innovative solutions for quality, profitable and sustainable food production, and sharing the learnings with a high performing community.
Monitor Farm is the outcome of a lifelong passion and desire to produce food.
The business is currently seeking seed capital for the first year of production in 2021.

Movement is life. Ask a 6-year-old what makes something ‘alive’, they’ll probably say it moves and breaths.
I challenge myself to physically move as much as is reasonable each day. This may look like lifting weights, running, or riding my bike.
2020 sees me embark on a challenge to run 250km in a 24hr period (my current best is 240km, set in 2016), on my way to representing New Zealand in the sport once again.
Seek challenging, fulfilling, and rewarding endeavours that others may deem too difficult. Learn from these to fulfill my potential in all areas of life.
This is the version of my vision statement in December 2019, and inline with this, I have challenged myself to read 52 books for 2020.
I’m not a great reader and will be required to prioritise reading over other activities daily. The fulfilment and reward from the sacrifice is expected to be worth it.
In 2019, it became clear that our local sporting clubs weren’t cooperating effectively with each other, or local government. A group was formed to collaborate, pool our efforts in a universal direction, and create a more welcoming and supportive culture.
The Alliance is still forming and 2020 will be its big make or break year.